Sunday, May 16, 2010


Jealousy is an emotion that refers to negative feelings or thoughts of insecurities, fear, and anxiety over an inticipated loss of something that one values such as relationship, friendship, or love. Jealousy consists of emotions such as arnger, sadness, and disgust. This book has a lot of interesting view points of jealousy. Such as:

"Myrtle Wilson's face it seemed purposeless and inexplcable until i relized her eyes wide with jealous terror, were fixed not on Tom but on Jordan Baker whom she took to be his wife." (page 131)

The Great Gatsby has a great deal of jealousy. When Tom got a phone call from Myrtle Wilson, Daisy felt really jealous and wanted to listen to what he was saying to her. Another thing that happens to show Daisy's jealousy is when she kills Mytle by running her over and no caring at all.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. I like that you chose quote from the text to support. 75/75

    Ms. Donahue
